In addition to teaching and doing research, I also serve in several other roles at Duke Kunshan University and externally, in the broader academic community.

I’m an editorial board member of the journals Policy & Politics, Research of Policy Review, and China Policy Journal. I also serve as advisory board member for the Oxford University Press Book Series “Lessons from Policy Processes on the World’s Grand Challenges,” which is edited by Paul Cairney, Tanya Heikkila, Evangelia Petridou, and Chris Weible.

I’m a peer reviewer for the following journals: Administration & Society, Asian Journal of Political Science, BMC Health Services Research, Environmental Science and Policy, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Government Information Quarterly, International Review of Public Policy, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Journal of Contigencies and Crisis Management, Natural Hazards Review, Policy & Politics, Policy Sciences, Policy Studies, Policy Studies Journal, Policy Theory & Practice, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Public Administration Review, Regulation & Governance, Review of Policy Research.

I frequently organize and chair conference panels and workshops on policy processes, particularly focused on China and other autocracies. In 2022, I co-chaired ECPR Joint Sessions (online) and IWPP (Budapest) workshops on Policy Process Theories in Authoritarian Settings. Based on these workshops, together with Dr. Caroline Schlaufer (University of Bern), I am currently co-editing a special issue on Policy Process Theories in Authoritarian Settings, to be published (2024) by Review of Policy Research. See call for papers here.

I am a board member of the Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics (STEP) Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) and will be STEP conference chair in 2024-2025. I also serve regularly on APSA award committees. In 2024-2025, I am a member of the Evan Ringquist Best Paper Award Committee in the STEP Section. In 2022-2023, I was a member of the Lynton Keith Caldwell Book Award Committee in the STEP Section and a member of the Best Comparative Policy Paper Award Committee in the Public Policy Section. In 2021–2022, I was a member of the Paul A. Sabatier Best Conference Paper Award Committee in the STEP Section.

I currently serve as Associate Co-Director of the DKU Center for the Study of Contemporary China (CSCC). From 2023-2024, I co-led its Governing China research cluster. From 2021–2023, I was a member of the Center’s Executive Committee. In this capacity, I organized seminars with external speakers, reviewed grant applications, and contributed to developing the center’s long-term strategies.

From December 2022 until January 2024, I served as the inaugural chair of the DKU Ad-Hoc Equity and Diversity Committee. Diversity and inclusion are preconditions for organizations to thrive. As chair of this committee, my goal is to create a space for all faculty to discuss these issues in a systematic and safe manner and to put forward a set of recommendations that improve equity and diversity. I previously served as Secretary of the Faculty Council (July 2019–January 2021).

At Duke Kunshan University, I serve as academic advisor to 12 undergraduate students. In this role, I help students understand our curriculum, provide support if students encounter academic or personal challenges, and guide students as they develop a strategic plan for college, graduate school, and future careers. In 2020–2021, I received the DKU Academic Advisor of the Year Award.

In terms of curriculum development, from 2019-2024, I was the coordinator of the undergraduate environmental science/public policy major at DKU. As founding member of the public policy curriculum, I’m actively involved in faculty hiring, curriculum development, and student advising. During 2022–2023, I served as Convenor of the DKU Public Policy Teaching Cohort, which contributed to developing a shared institutional vision for public policy, integrating courses, and increased visibility of the public policy tracks by organizing relevant events such as information sessions for students.